Monday, February 4, 2008

Why Adoption?

Or should I say, "don't you have enough kids?" That is the question that I get alot. Adoption has always been in the back of my head. From the time I was in grade school and one of my best friends was Shelley, I have thought about adoption. Shelley was adopted. Her family had adopted quite a few kids, and I was just always intrigued by that huge family that was put together in such a unusual fashion.

I knew I wanted a lot of kids when I grew up. I always said I wanted 10 kids, but that was before I had one. Parenting is a hard job. I had asked Jason when I was pregnant with Aaron, that if we had another boy, could we adopt a little girl from China? He just asked me what was wrong with me. After we moved to Sugar Grove, I was watching Adoption Story on tv. After the show I went and did a search on adoption and children waiting. There was a little girl from Russia who's name started with the letter A that was around 3 years old. I quick called Jason to tell him about it, and again he thought that there was something wrong with me.

A few years had past and again, the desire to adopt became so strong in my heart. I was reading through the Bible that year, and it just kept saying to care for the orphans. A few more things happened, including coming across a radio program by accident that was about International Adoption. I just kept feeling God pushing me in that direction. When I mentioned it to Jason, he wasn't feeling the push. That night I just prayed that God would either take the desire from my heart, or put it on Jason's heart. I just gave it over to God. I wasn't going to bring up the subject to Jason again. Lo and behold, the very next morning Jason started the day asking me why we would just adopt one child and not siblings. Wow, God answers prayer, and God answers quick!

We went to an information meeting and decided to go to China for our child. China's adoption program at the time was the most stable program. Their children tended to be more healthy. The mothers give up their children because of their "one child policy", but they take care of themselves, and they abandon the children where they will be found quickly. Russian children, on the other hand are oftentimes born from alcoholic parents. Also, China was a one trip process, as opposed to other countries. And the fees were all up front. Some countries, like Russia, were a little more unstable, and had a lot of issues with bribery.

Our paperwork went fairly smoothly and on December 26, 2005 we were logged into China's system and have been waiting ever since. Rumor has it that we are in this month and should be getting our referral this week. I am praying that it is true. We are so ready to bring our little girl home.

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